kingsbridge taxis

Travelling in Kingsbridge

If you’re staying in one of our luxury Kingsbridge holiday homes and celebrating with an evening at The Seahorse in Dartmouth or perhaps The Beach House at South Milton, we strongly recommend that you book your Kingsbridge taxi a few days ahead. (You’ll find that the buses don’t run much into the evenings and whilst you may be able to get to your destination by bus, you won’t be able to get home!) Kingsbridge is well served by taxis which are happy to take you to the towns and villages scattered around the South Hams. 

So, to make your evening go with a swing we’ve selected some local Kingsbridge taxis companies, (you may like to add a couple to your contacts) leaving you free to dine out knowing you’ve secured a lift home!

kingsbridge taxi

Kingsbridge Taxi Numbers

Whether you’re planning to stay in Kingsbridge for a few nights out of season or booking a family holiday, take a look at our luxury cottages and apartments in Kingsbridge.